
Clara doctor who
Clara doctor who

And yet “Robot of Sherwood” made one of my least favorites of all time (sorry but the immature humor and hideous interpretation of Robin Hood was not for me – but then again I am a huge fan of the BBC Robin Hood’s interpretation). None of them stand out as personal favorites. I have to admit though that I didn’t really find any of the middle episodes to be anything special. But more on that later… The Middle Episodesįrom Episode 2 to Episode 10, I enjoyed all the episodes to a degree. The Doctor really does have too many “yes” men gone are the days of Donna Noble, Rose Tyler, and Martha Jones telling the Doctor what’s what…Most of all, I adored Clara and Danny’s relationship, lies and all, because for the first time in a while I felt human emotion. I loved him even more when he stood up to the Doctor. What I really loved about Clara’s journey this season was her connection to Danny Pink. Sure, we still don’t know her family, but we at least get to see her personal life as well as understand why she travels with the Doctor: She’s kind of a narcissist and likes to feel special (yay for flaws!). Thankfully, a lot of Clara’s problems were remedied this season. I didn’t understand why she wanted to travel with the Doctor. I didn’t know her family (though they showed up for dinner once), her interests in life, etc. I didn’t know who she was aside from “the impossible girl” (and on that note, can we lose these catchphrases in future companions?).

#Clara doctor who series

One of my biggest problems with series 7 went back to the very, very poor characterization of Clara Oswald. It feels fresh, which is something this show needs. Overall though, I love what Capaldi brings to the role. I thought these few moments were a disservice to the character because it started to feel inconsistent. Nevertheless, I wish the writers didn’t have the Doctor act jealous at times that made his feelings for Clara ambiguous. I didn’t buy it at all, so I’m glad that it came to an end. I’m really looking forward to seeing how this plays out (and it better be good).įurthermore, I liked that the Doctor put a lid on the Doctor/Clara romance, one aspect of series 7 that I wholeheartedly loathed with an extreme passion. One of the most interesting aspects of the Doctor’s journey this season goes back to why the Doctor has a familiar face. He lost a lot of the flailing arms and silliness of Eleven (though nothing wrong with that either). Throughout the season, Capaldi as the Doctor really reminded me of an even darker 10 th Doctor.

clara doctor who

I believed he was the Doctor almost right away (probably around episode 2 sometime in the “Dalek” rehash “Into the Dalek”). The first episode, “Deep Breath,” started out with a slight whimper thanks to the pointless dinosaur entrance, Clara’s hesitation about the Doctor’s old face (weird considering she helped all the different Doctors throughout time), the return of the Paternoster gang (despise them if I’m being honest), and the Weeping Angels repeat with “don’t breathe rather than don’t blink.” Nevertheless, Capaldi shone through with his intense charisma and acting skills (I loved him in The Hour). One thing I knew I would like, however, was Peter Capaldi as the 12 th Doctor (or is the Doctor at number 13 now?). Admittedly, I wasn’t the hugest fan of Matt Smith’s farewell episode (just see my scathing review), so I definitely had misgivings coming into the 8 th season. Rather than write weekly reviews, I decided to hold off until after Series 8 came to a close so I could look at the complete picture.

Clara doctor who